A man we shall call Jonnie( name changed) was found, red eyed through crying, in central Brighton having only that morning been released from a Brighton hospital following a failed suicide bid. The bandages were still taped to the back of his hands from his medical treatment and he was wearing the flimsiest of jackets and no jumper. He was homeless, without hope, and preparing himself for a further suicide attempt( He had made 2 attempts in as many weeks)
One of the crossover volunteers kindly agreed to put Jonnie up overnight and it was planned to meet for breakfast the following morning to find a way forward.
Over breakfast a tragic story of abuse and victimisation at the hands of drug dealers unravelled, a story which was subsequently verified. This man needed help and there was no safety net left for him.
Together David and Jonnie took a 24 hour journey of Doctors surgeries, Crisis Mental Health assessments and lengthy waiting in Council offices to secure a safe bed overnight and a visit to Hove’s Mill view hospital. Jonnie was later referred to Swandean for recuperation suffering from “Post Traumatic Stress”
Some times people get to the very end of coping and just need someone to step in and take control…Jonnie is not yet through his battles but at least he lived to see another day and we believe find a future and some hope………
29th November…….Story continued…..
Jonnie has now been discharged from hospital and is receiving all the medical and pyschiatric care he needs. He is determined to put the past behind him, has been reconciled with his long term partner, and wants to get actively involved himself by helping others practically over this Christmas and in to the coming year!
A lady met on the street needed a warm coat. It was agreed to meet up the next day to supply a very waterproof winter coat…..her comment to me was “Thank you, you know when I walk the streets people don’t see me I am invisible..thank you …you noticed me”
During the later part of 2012 on one of David’s Street walks he met with a small group of people sitting on a park bench. It was a cold day and a coat was preferable even when walking. One man was dressed only in shorts and a lightweight jacket and was visibly shivering from the cold and in much distress. I had a jumper with me so that helped but promised to come back with some trousers the following day.
As it happened there was a sale on in a clothes shop close by and in particular “cammo” trousers were half price….2 were his size 34 waist!!! Minutes later I returned with the trousers
and as he opened the bag he exclaimed ” BUT they are NEW!” I wonder when he last had a new pair given him?